Little Laila became 6 months old this month - the speediest 6 months in my life that's for sure as I now find myself staring down the second half of her first year, knowing how much more active she will be, crawling and cruising are around the corner as is watching everything that she will try to put in her mouth and contemplating how to celebrate her 1st birthday.
How quickly we got here and how much of a baby she still is to me as we are still in the nascent stages it seems of figuring it all out. Sleeping - not quite yet sleeping through the night although we've made a lot of progress, naps more or less happen at the same time 3 times a day and eating - well we've
tried! But Laila is not really interested in anything we have offered so far, pursing her lips, turning her head and if we persist breaking down in tears! ummmmmmm this was not like our first experience. Eventually she will learn to eat, right?
But my little lady keeps me company all day and tolerates having her schedule interrupted as we drop off and pick up her big sister who she adores above all others - turning her head to look for her if she hears her and becoming all smiles when she approaches. So fun to watch.
I imagine the grabbing- for- whatever-toy-my- older- sister- has phase will be right around the corner too - and oh how much fun that will be!
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