Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The arrival of Laila Marie

 She's here! Laila Marie Hennessey was born at 6:44pm on 7/20/2011 (her official due date by one count, a day early by another) weighing in at 7lbs, 5oz and measuring 20 1/4 inches long - with lots of black hair like her sister, and really looking a lot like Maya in general.

Her birth was nothing like I expected (of course). After dropping Maya off from school last Tuesday, I made my way to the grocery store when my water broke! What is this!? I couldn't believe it. I ran home and put Brian and mom on alert and headed to my midwife's office who quickly confirmed that it had indeed broken, but there was plenty of fluid left and 20 mins on the monitor showed baby was doing great and I was having regular contractions. They expected me to go into labor within the next couple of hours and were hesitant to let me go back home to LIC. Oh well! I was not in labor yet and had a few things to take care. Brian got the call to head home from Westchester and we all convened at home for lunch.

Maya was picked up form school and went home with grandparents to spend the night, dogs were dropped off at their boarding home, bags were repacked and the waiting game began. It was 90 + degrees in NYC last Tuesday but we tried to go for a walk to a local ice cream shop to see if walking would bring on real contractions. We didn't last long - the heat was brutal. Went for an acupuncture session to try to stimulate labor and started some homeopathy at the suggestion of our doula. And then we watched movies, prepped dinner, cleaned the house and rested in the AC. At around 10pm contractions were coming regularly and slightly more intense but a far cry from any real labor. So we went to bed, had a full night's rest and at 11am on Wednesday headed to the hospital as our 24 hours were up and labor was nowhere to be seen.

We narrowly avoided a pitocin induced labor as labor finally kicked into high gear at around 3pm. Finally! Huge relief that it was going to happen on its own and that it was likely we would have the natural birth we planned for and were expecting having had such a good experience with Maya. A little over 3 hours later in what ultimately was one super speedy delivery our little Laila was born. We were thrilled to be able to bring her home the next day and have our first night as a family of four at home.

Maya thankfully has really taken to her little sister and asks about her, is concerned when she cries, wants to touch her and make baby noises at her and occasionally tells us what to do - "pick her up, she's hungry!" A lot of adjustments for an almost 3 year old, but the big sister has taken it all in stride.
We've had a wonderful week getting used to our new routines. Of course having Brian at home has been great - he's done his own outings with Maya and she has been fine with that understanding that for now mom needs to stay home with the baby.

Tomorrow Brian heads back to work, Maya will be at school most of the day and then the fun really begins - we'll see how I manage both little ladies on my own. The intense heat is not helping, but Maya being so accepting and Laila being a pretty chill baby so far will definitely make a huge difference.  Now that she's here we're hoping to enjoy some more summer activities and hopefully a trip to the Hamptons next weekend. We feel truly lucky to have to beautiful healthy little girls.

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