Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Grinch who stole the ornament

We took off last Tuesday for a wonderfully relaxing Thanksgiving break in East Hampton. We went to the movies (first time in months,) the duck pond (a huge hit with the munchkin), and took a much needed break.  Sunday we loaded up the car to the brim (inevitable with two dogs and a kid plus some black Friday shopping), complete with tree on top like the Griswalds on Christmas vacation and headed home. We weren't sure if we could pull off the tree this year, too much opportunity for destruction, but we decided to give it a try since we are not home for Christmas every year and therefore don't always get a tree. So far the resident toddler has been behaving and leaving the tree alone. Well for the most part - she does pull off some of the ornaments occasionally, but then being her father's daughter that she is she tries to put them back - nice and tidy.

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