Thursday, September 17, 2009

3 year anniversary

We celebrated our 3 year anniversary on Wednesday with dinner out and a trip to Larchmont, a town in southern Westchester county that we are considering as part of our town shopping and possible move. We shall see about the move, but it was nice to have dinner out and our sitter put Maya to bed, although I have to admit I was a little bit in withdrawal - first time I missed a bedtime. Maya was fine with it of course and hit the sac without complaint (she typically nose-dives into her bed and grabs her blankie, clearly we're doing a good job of wearing her out during the day). And what did we talk about on an adult only outing on our wedding anniversary? Well... Maya of course. We're just starting to turn the corner with our little person where we have to move beyond the basic needs of a baby (food, clean, warmth, sleep etc...) and having to consider the needs of a toddler which are inevitably more complicated. Now it seems is when the 'parenting' really starts and taking care of the little creature becomes less of a physical demand to more of a mental one that requires more thought and consideration. From manners, to good eating habits, to language and motor skills (she's heavy! the girl needs to walk!) we're constantly trying to teach her things and model behavior (as I try to gently remind Brian as he puts a huge piece of steak into his mouth - honestly). Work, yes, but still - it's a lot more fun.

Fall has hit NYC hard with a quick drop in temperatures. It's my favorite time of year. It's still sunny but cool and there are hints of the holiday season on the approach - leading the way is Halloween which has become all the more excited now that we have a kid (although Bailey and Kahlua have been very good sports and donned their Halloween costumes for our amusement too). Looking forward to taking her trick or treating around our building. That gives her 6 weeks to get the walking down!

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