Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The 7 month mark

Maya turned 7 months and has several accomplishments under her belt to show for it. Two bottom teeth are now clearly visible when she smiles. She's an expert sitter and has gotten very good at changing direction by standing on her feet, arms on the ground and pivoting to land her tush in another spot so she can turn around. Crawling has shown some significant improvements this week - she'll take 3-4 'steps' before flopping on her belly or landing on her tush with gusto. But she's clearly gotten the idea to lift her hands one at a time to make forward progress. Adorable to watch. She's also graduated to the big girl tub. No little baby chair for me thank you very much. She loves to sit in the tub (in about 3 inches of water) and splash around and grab at those pesky floating toys that always seem to be juuuuust out of reach. She got an A + at her regular checkup - 18lbs and 27th inches long puts her in the 75th percentile for weight and height- so not a wilting flower in the least but better than the 90th percentile trajectory we were on for a while. The pediatrician was impressed with how aware she is of her surroundings and how intently she holds a gaze and studies the situation before her. So grown up!!

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