Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The last dance

This is my last post of the year as Maya and I get ready to embark on a 10 hour flight to Uruguay where we will spend the whole month of December and return January 7th. My parents will already be there to pick us up and Brian is joining us on the 23rd to spend the holidays and as extra bonus so will Lynn and Gib Hennessey making their first trip to South America visiting Uruguay and Buenos Aires. Maya will be surrounded by grandparents ( aka free babysitters) so Bri and I will have to take advantage and go out. Aside from being surrounded by family, the best part is that it's summer in Uruguay and we'll be spending most of our time in Punta del Este by the beach. A fun resorty town where beach life dominates. It's a great place to spend the holidays - it's summer, the kids are out from school and I have several cousins in the area, 2 of whom had babies around the same time I did. It will be a baby bonanza.

2008 was quite a year of change (perhaps the most overused word of the past 12 months) - but it was! We became parents and homeowners, Brian changed jobs (twice!), we witnessed an exciting and historic election and somehow survived it all. It was great fun to have two girlfriends from college, a work colleague, a grad school friend, two cousins and Brian's sister Lauren all have babies this year as well and see all the tots grow and change through the different stages (ok and Samantha had a litter of 5 puppies too in the Hennessey household). Making it back to Williamstown for homecoming with all the kids was a little surreal and real reminder that yes, the years really have passed since we left campus. Nevertheless it's hard not to feel like the best is still yet to come. Bring it on 2009!!

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday and a joyful new year.

1 comment:

chai said...

have a great time in the motherland! wishing the Brain & Verena clan a lovely holiday and a very happy '09!
