Saturday, October 25, 2008

8 weeks and a house warmed

Maya is 8 weeks old and growing like a weed. We estimate that she is about 12lbs and therefore technically out of her 0-3 month clothing. With the weather turning colder I've had to learn how to layer her up and dress her warm enough to go outside. She hates hats but that big ol' baby noggin needs a hat - what can I do. The trick is getting her dressed and then jetting out the door fast enough to prevent her from overheating... (and screaming). Takes some practice and we haven't quite mastered it yet. Poor first child - always the experiment.

Last weekend we were thrilled to introduce friends and family to our new pad and to baby Maya. We had a great time at our housewarming and were happy to have so many out of town guests that made the trip! Not always easy to see good friends who have scattered after grad school so really it's good to have reasons to celebrate and get together.

My goal in the next couple weeks is to find a nanny for Maya since I plan to return to work in February but I'm traveling with her the whole month of December. A rather daunting and overwhelming task for a first time mom. We have a few interviews set up for next week and at least Brian is around and able to help screen candidates. He's been hard at work trying to secure a new position in this rather intimidating economy but it's great to have him around and spend time with baby.

Wednesday we're headed to a Halloween party for kiddies - I had to find something for her to wear her pumpkin halloween costume to and it will be a good opportunity to meet other new parents as well.

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