They did a great job - the kids participated in skits in small groups that reflected the work they had done over the course of the year - their frog study, the rainforest, construction ..., they sang "One Love" (above) and they walked across a bridge to receive their diploma and we watched a video montage of what the kids wanted to be when they grow up (Maya said a ballerina). It was so sweet, yes there were several tears shed - tomorrow is the official last day of school so at least it wasn't a whole lot of goodbye's all at once, but Maya although excited for her new school in Larchmont has already expressed how much she will miss her teachers. I can't believe it's been 3 years that I have been walking her to that school - time indeed flies. I will miss them too. Can't believe how much she has grown while there.
It's been a doozy of a couple of months. We closed on the house in May and got straight to work - refinishing floors, painting, carpeting, tree pruning, furniture shopping etc.. etc... it's coming along and we're in a good place with the house for our move 2nd week of July. 39 weeks pregnant and baby still seems plenty content, unlikely to make an appearance early as I fully expected. Better perhaps as it gave us the time we needed to get organized and plan and pack. We've even started to work on our remodel for next year - playing with floor plans and options. Hoping that construction won't be overly stressful.
But for now our plan is to head to the Hamptons soon after the baby is born and get out of the way of the big move leaving Brian to it. And when we come home it will be to Larchmont, and not LIC, which will really feel weird at first. More on that to come...