Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baby watch...

39 weeks and 1 day and still playing the waiting game. Baby Maya has started to show some signs that she wants to come out but she still seems pretty cozy and comfortable with her current accommodations to really make the effort. Hopefully that will change this week. I hoped Friday's full moon would tip the scales - that's what the old wives tales say anyway, something about gravitational pull and the start of labor, but alas no. Still feeling pretty good and relaxed, and pretty mobile, sleeping well, and trying not to go crazy waiting for her arrival. In the meantime - there are lots of olympic games to watch, and plenty of things to do to get ready for our move. We move to our new apartment Sept. 13th and it's been a useful week to get some packing done and shop for a few items for our new place - blinds, a dining room table, some barstools for our counter and inevitably more baby stuff. You'd think she would want to come out and check out her gear!

The weather in NY has been beautiful - sunny and pretty cool for August so at least I've been able to do lots of walking - always with a specific goal in mind. Hopefully this will be the week although I'm trying to accept that it's very common for first timers to go past their due date. We'll see what she has in store.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Double milestone week!

Last week we closed on our apartment and were handed keys and our garage door opener. We're homeowners! Saturday also marked 37 weeks of my pregnancy, the golden number, when you are finally full term and baby is free to come out at any time. Although I've had some contractions here and there and people have commented that I've been carrying lower, this baby is still most likely a few weeks away. Not that I'm not ready for her to come out - but it would be nice to get a couple errands out of the way like curtain shopping for our new place. We're doing well and looking forward to all the changes soon to come. We spent the weekend in East Hampton and Sunday at the beach reading and relaxing and watching lots of little kids play in the surf. One dad of two very young little girls told us to enjoy while we could - because our days of reading on the beach we're soon going to be over. Indeed.