Sunday, December 30, 2007

Bonjour de Paris!

Greetings all from belle Paris! After spending Christmas in Wellesley, Brian and I jetted off to Paris for a 5 day escapade. We have spent the last 4 days window shopping in quaint neighborhoods and stores, visiting museums, strolling the Champs-Elysee, and restaurant packed latin quarter, the Marche aux Puce (very large open aired flea market), and stopping at several cafes. Brian's parents have treated us to the ballet in the stunningly ornate Opera National de Paris and several wonderful dinner outs.

We've really enjoyed our time in Paris and could very happily spend another several weeks here in the Hennessey's charming apartment in the 7th - just walking around window shopping and going to different cafes.... and eating, why is everything so good? We've had wonderful dinners.. haven't eaten a crepe yet, must do that before we leave. We need a Grand Epicerie near Grand Central, the market there isn't quite enough and not even Whole Foods holds a candle to the delicaces and variety of high end goods found is this spectacular food market. How many grocery stores have Dom Perignon champagne bars in them?

Bailey and Kahlua are vacationing in Wellesley with a dog sitter...we have one more day here before we head back to pick them up and then back to work and reality on Jan 1.

Time to start planning Christmas 2008 in Uruguay when we get home. :)

Happy New Year and a joyful start to your 2008!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Happy Holidays!

The NY Hennessey household held a holiday (that's a lot of H's) party over the weekend - we got our tree up, pups were in their holiday sweaters (how could I resist) and I cooked too much food as usual, and we had fun with friends we haven't seen for a while. Pretty much all stages of our life friends were represented, college, grad school childhood and work. It was great to see everyone before they all head home for the holidays. Probably our last hurrah in our current apartment too until we move to Long Island City, sometime in the spring.... we hope!

Brian spent some time in Toronto this week for work, which continues to be busy and stressful but his group continues to do well. Miguel and Carmen are getting ready for a cruise on the Queen Mary 2 for a 10 day sail around the Virgin Islands. Not bad for December, not to mention Carmen retires December 31st :) We've heard from Lauren and Brian who are doing well with Anna and Noah enjoying the Chicago snow. Lynn and Gib are back in Wellesley and probabaly planning for the onslaught of people expected for the holidays which will bring the house total to seven adults, 2 children and 4 dogs: Lynn, Gib, Brian H., Brian B., Lauren, Verena, Anna, Noah, Beverley, Bailey, Kahlua, Samantha and Wolfgang. Always a fun and festive time. Then off to Paris for new years!

Wishing everyone a wonderful and joyful holiday season and a happy New Year!

-Verena, Brian, Bailey & Kahlua